Miami Beach, Florida, United States

Miami Beach is a nearby town to that of Miami, in Florida, United States. More than half of its population is foreign born. The most spoken languages are English and Spanish but French is also used especially with tourists as almost all taxi drivers are of Haitian origin. It is located just a few kilometers from Miami downtown. It’s a tourism city that attracts tourists from all around the world, its climate is perfect for enjoying the beach most time of the year, it is rare that the temperature drops to 10 degrees.


The Airport Flyer Route 150 is an express bus service between the airport and Miami Beach that  is cheap. There is also a free electric shuttle that will transport you anywhere you like but only in Miami Beach.
Hurricane season runs from early June to late November, but in general, Miami is vulnerable right from mid-August to late September.
Avoid walking on the beach after sunset. If you have to move in the evening, choose frequented arteries.
Although in the United States you can pay with credit card almost everything, plan a little cash because for some things you’ll need it: toll, transit, parasol rentals on the beach, etc.