Pipa, Tibau do Sul, Rio Grande of North, Brazil

Pipa is a well-known beach, 85 km south of Natal, in the municipality of Tibau do Sul; State of Rio Grande of North in Brazil. It has this name because when the Portuguese went by boat, they saw a rock in the shape of a barrel of wine and that is precisely what the name Pipa means in Portuguese. First it was a small fishing village but once the surfers discovered it, the place became known everywhere. From the town of Tibau do Sul, you can meet a series of beaches and Pipa is one of them. Another well-known beach is the Beach of Love, very popular with tourists and surfers as well. You will find hostels, hotels, restaurants, bars and shops open all year round. There is also a sea turtle preservation area not too far from the village.


If you want to practice kite-surfing, you will find a better place between Pipa and Tibau.

If you like the night, the village is also known for having a quite active nightlife.


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