Teotihuacán, Valley of Mexico, Mexico

Teotihuacán is an important archaeological site of the Valley of Mexico, containing some of the largest Mesoamerican pyramids ever built in pre-Columbian America. The site also contains large residential complexes, the Avenue of the Dead, and numerous wall paintings where the colors have been well preserved. Its origin is around 200 BC. JC and researchers believe that the Pyramid of the Sun (the largest) was completed around the year 100 AC. JC. and they calculate that the city was inhabited until the VI or VII century. The city is located at the current location of the municipalities of San Juan Teotihuacan and San Martin de las Pirámides in the State of Mexico, Mexico (about 40 km from Mexico City). It contains the Avenue of the dead (the main central avenue), the pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon, the Temple of Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent) and many palaces and lesser temples but there is no fortification or military structure in the city. Currently archaeologists continue excavation to determine more history of the city. In 2003, they discovered a tunnel, about 1,800 years 100 meters long under the Feathered Serpent Temple leading to a series of tunnels and chambers that are carved into the rock.


When you visit the site, try to visit the museum where you’ll find objects of everyday life, statues, tools, etc. that will help you to discover a little more about the history of the city.
Visit also the shops around the site where you will find crafts with different items representing this lost civilization. You will have the opportunity to taste the famous liquor cactus in different flavors, a traditional drink, always appreciated in the country.

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