Nahuel Huapi Lake, Provinces de Neuquen & Rio Negro, Argentine

Nahuel Huapi is a lake of glacial origin located in the Cordillera of the Andes which extends in the Provinces of Neuquen and Rio Negro in the park of the same name. Its original name Mapuche (aboriginal language) means Islands of jaguars. It is located at 768m of altitude with an area of 557 km². It is renowned for its 7 branches and its depth (the maximum is 464m). One of the most important cities of southern Argentina is built on its southeast shore: San Carlos de Bariloche. The Nahuel Huapi is located in an area where there are many lakes and there are also many islands, the most important of which is Victoria.


If you like to ski, the area has several trails and the best option is to stay in San Carlos de Bariloche as you will find a very beautiful city with everything you need and lots of options for accommodation and catering.

If it’s fishing that interests you, you’re in the right place. The sport fishing season runs from November to April. You will find brown trout and salmon.

If you like hiking, mountain biking or horseback riding, sailing, everything is possible depending on the season of your stay. On the protected area of the park, you will find many free or organized camps as well as hotels, inns or huts.

There are several local tourist agencies that will offer a variety of excursions, one more interesting than the other, to places full of nature and magic like Los Arrayanes National Park, Port Blest, Victoria Island, Villa Angostura, Mount Tronador, the Enchanted Valley and the seven lakes among others.