Located a few hundred meters from Piazza Unità, the old building of the Stock Exchange was opened in 1806 on a design by architect Antonio Mollari. The building resembles a Greek temple with Doric columns, with metopes and triglyphs that support the triangular pediment decorated with a clock flanked by the figures of the Fortune and the Glory. The palace has many statues on the facade, on the ground floor there are America, Europe, Asia and Africa, on the main floor Vulcan and Mercury, and they are all the work of Banti and Ferrari. The statues of the Danube, Minerva and Neptune are over the railing and belong to the work of the artist Bosa. In the decorationthere is also a scene painted by Giuseppe Bernardino Bison dedicated to the proclamation in Porto Franco of Trieste by Charles VI; this work is in the Major room, in the center of the dome-shaped ceiling. On the ground floor there is a beautiful sundial dated 1820 by the Friuli Sebastianutti. The palace was the seat of the Stock Exchange, but in 1844, the stock market was moved to the palace which is nearby, the Tergesteo. Currently, the building houses the Chamber of Commerce.
The building is within walking distance of all the monuments of historic Trieste.
You can take all the photos you want on the outside of the building, but the place does not accept tourist’s visit. Admission is only possible if you need somehting from the office of the Chamber of Commerce.