The Pyramid of Cheops or Great Pyramid of Giza is a monument built by the ancient Egyptians; more than 4,500 years ago, forming a pyramid with a square base of 230 m and 137 m in height; presumed tomb of Pharaoh Khufu. It is the only of the seven wonders of the world of antiquity to have survived until today, as being also the oldest. The pyramid is part of a complex where there is a funerary temple of two parts: valley temple or bottom (associated with a harbor jetty on the edge of the cultivated land) and an upper or top temple (tchapel where clergy deposited daily offerings), located near the pyramid. There is a monumental tiled corridor serving as connecting gallery between the parties. There are also three pyramids of queens, a satellite pyramid, surrounded by a wall, connected to the communication gallery and multiple mastabas (funeral buildings) grouped into three cemeteries located to the east behind the queens pyramids at south of the Great Pyramid, and on the west of the pyramid of King.
It is recommended to do business with a local guide accredited by the Ministry of Tourism to ensure that there is room for a domestic tour inside.
You can do a carriage ride to take pictures and see the pyramids and the countryside. Remember to negotiate the price.
There are many sellers on the site that can be quite pushy but if you are showing any interest they will not insist too much.
You can also visit the site at night to watch the spectacle of sound and light.