The sugar shack or ‘sucrerie’ is the place where it manufactures the maple products. It lies within the wood where they collect the sap of maples in spring. This sap (or maple water) is discharged from the cells of the tree in autumn to allow it to survive the winter freeze. This is not the pure sap, there should be a transformation into maple syrup using a system of kettles and vessels where the sugar concentration increases at each stage. These shacks date from the beginning of the 19th century, with their craft and a popular tradition. It is a typical activity of Quebec but there are some other Canadian regions and even in the United States where you can find them. There are commercial or family shacks. From maple syrup, producers make toffee, caramel, candies, sugar bread, syrup, jelly and also alcoholic drinks.
You can taste a good meal or just simply visit the sugar shack, see the production of its products and buy on-site. A traditional meal usually has an omelette, ham, with potatoes, beans, etc, and for dessert, you will find the sugarpie, all with maple syrup.
You will also find animations and activities on-site. It is a good activity for the family, with children or friends.
The time to make your visit is from March to April.
Special thanks to the artist Cristina Benevidez Legault who let us have a picture of a sugar shack made by her.
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